Friday, October 23, 2009

Discovering the boxes sent by our Europeans partners (Part 1)

On October, Thursday 22th, students of 1.L and 2.7 opened the first three boxes we received from Belgium, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic. What a great moment!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Creation of the Logo (part 2)

Here is our logo!

Today, it has been sent to our Norwegian partners. They are to assemble the different parts sent by each partner into a cube!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meeting In Bulgaria

In early November, 4 students and 3 teachers from Marcel Gimond will go to Sofia, Bulgaria for the first work meeting of the project:

- Manon Monot, 2de 7
- Morgane Baudinelli, 2de 7
- Fanchon Lefrileux, 1 L1,
- Johanna Carpentier, 1 L1,
- Gladys Dousson,
- Anne-Sophie Gréselle,
- Eddy Feferberg.

On the whole, 40 people from the partner countries will be there!

Special thanks to our Bulgarian Hosts who have organised this meeting with a lot of kindness and professionalism.

Created by OnePlusYou

Saturday, October 10, 2009

News about the boxes to be sent to our European partners...

On Monday, October 12th, we will be ready to send the boxes with the five objects representing France to our European partners!
Those items have been chosen by both classes (Première L and Seconde 7) after great debates to determine a common selection. Many ideas, as original or funny as they can be, were mentionned.
We all hope that it will not be too easy for the other countries to identify France with this selection...
To keep the secret on the content of the boxes as long as possible for our European partners , we will publish the five items chosen later on this blog!