Thursday, December 17, 2009

Start of the treasure hunt through Europe!

Concept: Each country sends riddles to find out one important place in connection with the tasks students have to perform.
The first place must be connected with literature as the students are to write a European tale.

On January 15, 2010, the first riddle is to be published.

Here are the details which were discussed in Bulgaria:

- Each country will choose a stop that has something to do with its national literature (in general). A map will be put in every school, on which the stops of the quest will be pointed out. These stops mustn’t necessarily have something to do with the 2 narratives.

- Clues will have to be given (3 to 5 questions or riddles). These clues will eventually be used in the party game. They can refer to a writer, whose picture can be put on the map. The clues mustn’t be too straightforward (the students must not be able to simply google the answer, they must be challenged to think about it). Several clues can be used to refer to one answer. The clues can also lie in the field of geography, history etc, as to help the students find the answer. In case the clues are too difficult, they can be passed to other students (from other class groups) as well.

- Each country will receive five clues (for five stops) from five countries. The clues can be divided among the students.

- Three to five clues, which are ranked according to difficulty. 2nd and 3rd clue will only be given if the other clues are too difficult. Teachers are free to decide to use this system or not. When the stop is found, a picture can be put on the map.
1st clue: difficult
2nd clue: easier
3rd clue: easy

A group of 1L students are in charge of this task. Good luck and work hard!