Sunday, February 28, 2010

Create Vokis to introduce yourselves

Do you know what Voki is? It is a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, and in email messages.
What about creating vokis to introduce yourselves to the other students who are involved in the project?You can embed them on Facebook thanks to the Voki app. 
If I managed to do it, you WILL ;-)
Have a look at mine below. Do you recognize me? Listen to my message!

If you need help, e-mail me HERE

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pupil Evaluation Report 1

Here is the report of the answers and informations given by the pupils involved in the Comenius project in the questionnaire.
On the whole, 62 students answered the questionnaire, pupils of the different classes involved in the project and pupils that took part in the trip in Sofia.

• 49 pupils consider that the communication between pupils is very good or good, and 40 of them think that the goals of the projects were clearly explained to them. Maybe some concrete details on the project, like the game approach and the different parts of the program should have been more clearly explained.

• The eTwinning portal and the NING Network are considered useless communication tools by the pupils. Emails and Facebook were indicated as the most useful tools (52 votes as “very useful” and “useful”), especially in order to communicate with pupils of the other countries.

• As for the logo, many different ways of creation were chosen in the different classes involved in the project: 17 of them indicated that a small group of pupils was in charge of the creation of the logo, 12 said “a large number of pupils” and 21 answered “pupils and teachers”. This part of the project seems to have been considered as great and resulting of an efficient collaboration between all the partners (45 answers)

• Concerning the boxes, 51 pupils answered that it was a good way to get involved in the project. The following answers about “their opinion” on this activity were not always clearly and completely given, with details and explanations :
31 said “I liked it very much because…” and the main explanation is about the great moments spent choosing the objects to send and discovering what the boxes contained. Some pupils also mention that it was a very good way to improve their English and to learn more about the cultures of foreign countries.
25 said “I like it but…” and 9 answered that they didn’t feel concerned or that they didn’t like it. Their explanations here are linked with the stay in Sofia that concerned only a few of them (lack of motivation), and also with the feeling that this activity was useless to know the pupils of the other countries. 2 pupils tell that they didn’t understand the meaning of all the objects.


The pupils who traveled in Sofia enjoyed their stay in Bulgaria. Here is the summary of their answers:

• Concerning the way they were chosen to take part in the meeting in Sofia :
- 11 of them told they were chosen thanks to teachers’ choice (with cover letters or not)
- 6 answered “voluntary participation”, 15 “random drawing”, and 3 “lottery”
What about coordinating our selection measures?

• Only 15 of them got in touch with their hosts before going to Bulgaria mostly by mails or Facebook.
• All the pupils unfortunately didn’t answer to the 3 last questions : 15 told they enjoyed their stay in their Bulgarian families, 5 answered that they didn’t enjoy it (with no explanations).
• The program was well-organized for most of them: they appreciated to discover Sofia, the monastery of Rila and also their school activities.
• As a conclusion, most of them appreciated the discovery of a new culture, speaking English and meeting new friends…