Tuesday, April 13, 2010

French Contribution to European Anthem

The 1L students have written their own part of the European anthem.
Each school will do the same.

Here is the full version:

Oublions toutes les frontières qui nous séparent des Européens
Et marchons pour cette terre, tous ensemble, main dans la main.

All the people living in Europe, stand up and sing in unisson
Gather in a field of joy and dance for this celebration!

Vivre ensemble pour demain, c'est l'égalité de tous,
Partir pour de nouvelles frontières, solidairité pour tous!

Let's forget all the sorrow and the loneliness of our hearts
Let's get together to build a better world, it's not so hard!

Living together in a community full of history
Freedom for the melting of cultures in a wonderful country!

The stanzas they have chosen for the official version are the following:

Oublions toutes les frontières qui nous séparents des Européens
Et marchons pour cette terre, tous ensemble, main dans la main.

Let's forget all the sorrow and the loneliness of our hearts
Let's get together to build a better world, it's not so hard!

Listen to the mp3 version HERE (spoken version and singing version).
The students plan to sing it during the reception that will be given on the 30th of May 2010 in honor of their Europeans partners!