Sunday, November 28, 2010


The five selected paintings have been sent to our partners!


Before sending them, the 1L1 Students also wrote a postcard to each country to give news and wish every one a Merry Christmas.

The students abroad will also find a copy of our crossword puzzle in the parcel.

French Paintings

Our paintings are ready to be sent to our partners. Have a look! Which one do you prefer?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stop n°3 : ART / Crossword puzzle

To discover the crossword puzzle created by some 1L1 students, click HERE (+ file archive / Here is our crossword puzzle)

The students have finished making their paintings. The photos will be posted very soon!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Evaluation Questionnaire for Pupils n°3

It is time to evaluate the project once again. 
Please, click HERE to see and fill in the questionnaire.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tasks to perform over the next few weeks...

Here is a list of the tasks we have to perform before the Christmas holidays:

- Paint our paintings (6 on the hole) and take photos of them to publish them on our Twinspace and our blog. --> Tuesday, November 16.
- Send our paintings to our partners with postcards. --> When?
- Make our crossword puzzle about the artist we have chosen and publish it on the Twinspace. --> Friday, November 19
- Update the exhibition at the library --> When?
- Organize a Czech meal at the cafeteria with a photo exhibition about our trip to the CR. --> Who? When?
- Design the final artistic work (using the paintings sent by our partners) --> When?
- Organize an official ceremony to promote our artistic work --> When?

Stop n°3 : ART (other clues)


This painter was one of the most famous painters of Polish Symbolism.
In his creativity he successfully joined the predominant style of his times with motifs of Polish martyrdom.
His father was General Secretary of the Land Credit Society and his mother was daughter of Alexander an officer in Napoleons army.
When he was seventeen he moved to this city where he was a free student of the School of Fine Arts, then (at the request of Jan Matejko) left school and studied only in the SSP.
In 1897 he was one of the founders of the Association of Polish Artists Sztuka.
His most famous paintings are Wigilia na Syberii (Christmas Eve in Siberia), Błedne koło (Vicious circle), and Melancholia (Melancholy).

To read the clues sent by Belgium, Bulgaria and Norway, please click HERE.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Trip to Czech Republic

From November 3 to November 8, four students and two teachers went to Nymburk in the Czech Republic to visit European partners.
It was a wonderful trip with a very-well organized program! Thanks to all of the students and teachers who welcomed the French team warmly!

To see other photos, click HERE.