Sunday, January 31, 2010

Treasure Hunt Contest, Clues n°4

Here are the last clues... 
Do not forget your map of Europe!

You start from Sofia and travel to the north-east of Bulgaria. On your way you pass through the town of Veliko Turnovo. It is the second Bulgarian capital. The books written in the Turnovo literary school put the foundations of the contemporary Slavic literary language. The Old-Bulgarian book is hand-written and extremely precious with its miniatures (with multi-coloured compositions), the Tetraevangelia of Ivan Alexander known as the Gospel of London which still decorates the British National Museum as well as the chronicle of  Manasii –kept in the Vatican.
Then you should pass through the town of Shoumen. The mystery town is located at about 20 km., south-east of the town of Shoumen.
The mystery town became the first Bulgarian capital during the reign of King Simeon. The first literary school was established at this place. The importance of its activity marked the beginning of the Golden Age in the cultural history of Bulgaria. Some of the most famous writers and teachers that worked there are Naum Preslavski, Chernorizets Hrabar and Joan Ekzarh. 

The popular detective series “Aspe” was filmed in this city. In the series, the charming police inspector Pieter Van In solves crimes and murders.
The successful series was based on the books of Pieter Aspe, who was born on 3rd April 1953 in this particular city.

Czech Republic
He had two wives. The first, Olga Šplíchalová died in 1996 and the second, Dagmar Veškrnová is czech actress.
When he was politician, he lived in castle in city, which is called “Town of hundred towers”.

The masterpiece which the poet is best renowned for is Treny (Laments). He wrote a series of elegies upon the death of his beloved little daughter.

This author received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920.   
68° 5′ 2″ N, 15° 38′ 18″ E.
Good luck!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Treasure Hunt Contest, Clues n°3

Here are new clues to help you dicover 
the mystery places...

This town was one of the former capitals of the first Bulgarian state on the Balkan Peninsula.

The writer of this book, called ‘Het dolfijnenkind’ (‘The child of the dolphin’) was born in the mystery city.
When Marijn and her class visit a dolphinarium one day, something very strange happens. Without thinking about it, he dives in to the water and swims with the dolphins, as if he had always done that. When his mother finds out what happened, she tells Marijn a few things from the past, though it is very painful for her. Shortly after, they leave for the Bahamas, where Marijn was born, but where his father disappeared mysteriously. Their search for the truth can begin. 

Czech Republic
He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. His most famous pieces are: Letters to Olga and Garden Party.

His most famous work is “The Growth of the Soil”.This author received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920.

One of Polish best-known writers died there. The man was a Polish Renaissance poet.

Good Luck ;-)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Treasuer Hunt, Clues n°2

 Here are the next clues for every country! 
I hope they will help ;-) Good luck!

There is a statue of a poet in the mystery city. This is one of his poems…
Hoe zoet is 't om te peinzen dat,
terwijl ik rust misschien,
Een ander, ver van hier, mij on-
bekend en nooit gezien,
U lezen kan mijn dichten, mijn
geliefde, en niet en weet
Van al de droeve fouten van
uw vader de poëet!

How sweet is it to think that,
maybe while I’m resting,
Someone else, far away from here,
unknown to me and never seen,
can read my poetry,
my beloved, and not know
of all the sad mistakes from
your father the poet!

It is connected with the name of King Simeon I (10th century), during his reign the Bulgarian country bordered on three seas.

This tiny place is the place where one of our most beloved and, for other than literary reasons, hated authors grew up.

Czech Republic
He’s a Czech writer, politician, dissident and the co-founder of Charta 77.

It is also one of the oldest in our country. This city is famous for its beautiful Old Town.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Treasure Hunt Contest

As expected, 1L1 students have chosen a city in France and they have imagined 4 clues. Here is the first and the most difficult:

1. The stranger's father lived there.

Have you found out the name of this city?

Now, you can find the riddles sent by our partners, below. Most of them have imagined 4 clues, but let's make it a bit more difficult ;-) For each country, you will find only one clue for the moment! I will add the others regularly before the end of the month... 

1. Georges Rodenbach (1829) wrote a book about this city.

1. The students of the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet used to work there.

1. “Hammer Island”.

Czech Republic
1. He was born on 5th October 1936.

1. This place is the largest Polish city in the east of Poland. It is also one of the oldest in the country.

So, why did I entitle this post "Treasure Hunt Contest"? Well... because we propose you, 1L students and 2de7 students, to take part in a... contest!

Here are the rules:

1. Work in teams! 3 or 4 students working together is a good idea! Give a name to your team and say to your "Comenius" teachers that your team is taking part in the contest.

2. Draw a map of Europe with the six countries of our project.

3. Find out the 5 places thanks to the clues below and the others that will be posted in the next few days.

4. Each time you find out a place, locate it on your map.

5. Once you have found out the 5 places, PROCLAIM IT!

The winner is the team that has found the 5 places FIRST!

And of course, as for any good contest, there will be a reward, even two! 
One for the quickest team and the other for the best map of Europe!
 Visit this site again to get the new clues ;-)