Sunday, January 24, 2010

Treasuer Hunt, Clues n°2

 Here are the next clues for every country! 
I hope they will help ;-) Good luck!

There is a statue of a poet in the mystery city. This is one of his poems…
Hoe zoet is 't om te peinzen dat,
terwijl ik rust misschien,
Een ander, ver van hier, mij on-
bekend en nooit gezien,
U lezen kan mijn dichten, mijn
geliefde, en niet en weet
Van al de droeve fouten van
uw vader de poëet!

How sweet is it to think that,
maybe while I’m resting,
Someone else, far away from here,
unknown to me and never seen,
can read my poetry,
my beloved, and not know
of all the sad mistakes from
your father the poet!

It is connected with the name of King Simeon I (10th century), during his reign the Bulgarian country bordered on three seas.

This tiny place is the place where one of our most beloved and, for other than literary reasons, hated authors grew up.

Czech Republic
He’s a Czech writer, politician, dissident and the co-founder of Charta 77.

It is also one of the oldest in our country. This city is famous for its beautiful Old Town.

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