Sunday, May 16, 2010

Treasure Hunt - Second Stop: Music

Now that we have co-written the lyrics of the European Anthem, it's time to start the treasure hunt again!

Here are the clues about the second stop: music.

In France, the 2de7 pupils were in charge of the clues describing a French city connected with music. They have done a good job!

1. There is a well-known music school in this city.

2. As for tourism there is an important opera conference center.

3. During World War II, the French government was set there.

4. This city is famous for its thermal spas and many people come to 
take the waters.

5. This city has given its name to a mineral water.

Have you guessed which French city is hidden behind these clues? As for the first stop, the team of students that finds all the answers first will be rewarded at the end of the year, during a Comenius ceremony!

Good luck and work hard!

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