Saturday, October 23, 2010

Visit of the Musem of Fine Arts in Lyon

On the 6th of October, the 1L1 Students went to Lyon to visit the museum of Fine Arts. 

The purpose of this visit was to help them find inspiration for the next task they have to perform, that is making six art works that will be sent or added to our partners' art works. 

In each country, the students have to use the style and / or the techniques of a famous native artist to create their series of works.

In the morning, they took part in a workshop that enabled them to understand how carefully artists build their works.

In the afternoon, they had the time to visit the museum and admire the works of famous French and international painters and sculptors.They were surprised to see some of the paintings they studied in English class...

Stop n°3 : ART


1.    From the second of June 2009 onwards, Godfried Van Bouillon saw a box with an apple on his left hand side .

2.    It’s always cloudy in his fantasy, just like in Belgium.

3.    I hide a lot of things in my paintings & my name is hidden in following acronym: I am Gert Néret.

4.    The chemical symbol ‘Fe’ lies not far from where I expose right now.



1. Born on 31 March 1885 in Vidin, Bulgaria, he was one of the most  distinguished  painters of the 20th century. Born in a Bulgarian Jewish household, he lived in Bucharest, studied in Vienna and Munich, spent most of his conscious life in Paris, acquired an American citizenship, and travelled all around the world. Perhaps the most accurate definition of his persona would be "a cosmopolitan".

2. This artist was one of the biggest bohemians of his time, a friend of Amedeo Modiliyani , Ernest Hemingway , Picasso and Georges Papazov.

3. He  was one of the most prominent figures of the artistic circle of Montparnasse and even received the nickname" Prince of Montparnasse ".


1. This stop is one of Norway’s most famous fjords.
2. Two of our best known romantic painters painted this picture from the fjord:

3. The two painters cooperated painting, with one of them painting the landscape and the other the figures.
4. This summer the fjord has been in the midst of a controversy between the government and environmental organizations, because of a plan of building pylons through the landscape.
      5. The fjord is situated between Bergen and Stavanger.


He was one of the most famous painters of Polish Symbolism. 
In his creativity he successfully joins the predominant style of his times with motifs of Polish martyrdom. 
His father was General Secretary of the Land Credit Society and his mother was daughter of Alexander an officer in Napoleons army. 
When he was seventeen he moved to this city where he was a free student of the School of Fine Arts, then (at the request of Jan Matejko) left school and studied only in the SSP. 
In 1897 he was one of the founders of the Association of Polish Artists Sztuka
In 1898 his mother died. The most famous paintings: Wigilia na Syberii (Christmas Eve in Siberia), Błedne koło (Vicious circle), and Melancholia (Melancholy)

Clues from the Czech Republic coming sooner or later...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Infos utiles pour le voyage en République Tchèque + Profiles des élèves

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Retrouvez toutes ces informations sur la page facebook dédiée au projet + des infos pour savoir comment sauvegarder le fichier.

A bientôt sur ce blog!

Gladys Dousson

Friday, October 1, 2010

Treasure Hunt Part Three

What do you know about the treasure hunt in our project? Do you know the names of the cities that were chosen by the French students and by our European partners last year? Where can you find them?

Now it is your turn to take part in the Treasure Hunt!

Task 1
1. Choose a place in France famous for Arts,
2. Write a riddle composed of 5 different clues (from the most mysterious to the most obvious one),
3. Add photos to illustrate your riddle.

Task 2
Together with your classmates, vote for the best riddle. You will send it to our European partners in a few days!

Task 3
You will discover the riddles from our European partners in a few days too. 
Find out the places that correspond to their riddles. 

The student(s) who find all of the answers first will be rewarded 
during our first Comenius ceremony!

Good luck and work hard ;-)