Friday, October 1, 2010

Treasure Hunt Part Three

What do you know about the treasure hunt in our project? Do you know the names of the cities that were chosen by the French students and by our European partners last year? Where can you find them?

Now it is your turn to take part in the Treasure Hunt!

Task 1
1. Choose a place in France famous for Arts,
2. Write a riddle composed of 5 different clues (from the most mysterious to the most obvious one),
3. Add photos to illustrate your riddle.

Task 2
Together with your classmates, vote for the best riddle. You will send it to our European partners in a few days!

Task 3
You will discover the riddles from our European partners in a few days too. 
Find out the places that correspond to their riddles. 

The student(s) who find all of the answers first will be rewarded 
during our first Comenius ceremony!

Good luck and work hard ;-)

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