Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Clues about History

HERE are the riddles written by the students:

  1. In this city, in 804, Charlemagne received Pope Leo III.
  2. Clovis I was baptized in this city between 496 and 499 AD by bishop Saint Remy.
  3. The Cathedral of this city was completed by the end of the 15th century and was registered in the UNESCO heritage in 1991.
  4. Charles X was the last French king who was crowned in this city, on May 29, 1825. 
  5. In 1000, the archbishop of this city, Gerbert d'Aurillac, was elected as Pope Sylvester II.
  1. There is a hill called Tsarevets (the King’s hill) in this city. 
  2. It is the town, where in 1185, Assen and Peter announced the end of the Byzantine oppression of Bulgaria.
  3. The town was the capital of the second Bulgarian Kingdom (1187-1393).
  4. Where was the Great National Assembly of Bulgaria summoned?

  1. One of the most famous battles in Norwegian history.
  2. The main character in the battle was?
  3. This happened in Trøndelag county, but which Municipality was it in?
  4. Which year did this happen?
  1. The next stop is the largest city in the Northern part of Poland. It is the place where a political movement called 'Solidarity' was founded. 
  2. It is also the birthplace of the present Polish Prime Minister - Donald Tusk.
  3. The most relevant character in Polish history, connected with the city, is a well-known Polish politician who was the co-founder of 'Solidarity' as well as a human-rights activist. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983.
  4. You can find his statue in London's wax museum - Madame Tussauds.
- a small city in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic

- is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

- construction of the town and castle began in the late 13th century

- the castle complex is unusually large for a town's size; within the Czech Republic it is second in extent only to the Hradčany castle complex of Prague

- about 30 km from the town is the Hluboka Castle, established in the twelfth century and later remodelled in imitation of Windsor Castle


1) An important Flemish town for the textile industry;  during the 19th century there were many social problems, people were living in miserable circumstances. A famous priest tried to help the suffering population by means of politics.
2) The nickname of the inhabitants of this town refers to a kind of vegetables.
3) Birthplace of this well-known author who wrote a successful novel with typical characters such as the bold Ondineke, Tippetotje, Mossieu Colson working in a ministry…
4) Every year the carnival parade attracts many lookers-on.

5) The town is also known for its numerous (Dutch) gin distilleries.



    1. One of the most famous battles in Norwegian history.

    _Answer : Battle of Stiklestad

    2. The main character in the battle was?

    _King Olaf Haraldsson or Harek from Tjøtta

    4. Which year did this happen?

    _29 july 1030.


  2. Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo
    Norway: Stiklestad
    Poland: Gdańsk

    Candice, Yelen

  3. Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo

    Norway: Stiklestad

    Poland: Gdańsk

    Jessica & Lisa

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Czech Republic: Český Krumlov
    Belgium: Aalst.

  6. Czech Republic: Český Krumlov

    Belgium: Aalst.

  7. Bulgaria = Veliko Tarnovo
    Norway = Stiklestad
    Poland = Gdańsk
    Czech Republic = Cesky Krumlov
    Belgium = Aalst

    Thomas, Sébastien

  8. Bulgaria : Veliko Tarnovo
    Norway : Stiklestad
    Poland : Gdańsk
    Czech Republic : Český Krumlov
    Belgium : Aalst

    Louka & Antoine

  9. Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo.
    Norway: Stiklestad.
    Poland: Gdańsk.
    Czech Republic: Český Krumlov.


  10. Bulgaria : Tschinar
    Norway : Stiklestad
    Poland : Gdańsk

    Mélina, Benjamin, Coralie

  11. Czech Republic: Český Krumlov
    Belgium: Aalst.

    Mélina, Benjamin, Coralie
